Possessive Adjectives Spanish Worksheet Answer Key

Embark on an enriching linguistic journey with our Possessive Adjectives Spanish Worksheet Answer Key, a meticulously crafted resource designed to empower learners with a comprehensive understanding of this fundamental grammatical concept. Dive into the intricacies of Spanish possessive adjectives, unraveling their usage, placement, and significance in conveying ownership and belonging.

Our interactive worksheet provides ample opportunities to practice identifying and employing possessive adjectives accurately, fostering a deep comprehension of their role in Spanish communication.

Possessive Adjectives in Spanish

Possessive adjectives in Spanish are used to indicate ownership or belonging. They agree in gender and number with the noun they modify.

Definition of Possessive Adjectives in Spanish

  • Possessive adjectives indicate ownership or belonging.
  • They are placed before the noun they modify.
  • They agree in gender and number with the noun they modify.

Usage of Possessive Adjectives in Spanish

  • Possessive adjectives are used to indicate ownership or belonging.
  • They are placed before the noun they modify.
  • They agree in gender and number with the noun they modify.

Worksheet for Practice

Spanish Possessive Adjective English Translation
mi my
tu your
su his, her, your (formal)


  1. Mi casa es grande.
  2. Tu perro es muy lindo.
  3. Su coche es nuevo.

Answer Key for Worksheet, Possessive adjectives spanish worksheet answer key


Spanish Possessive Adjective English Translation
mi my
tu your
su his, her, your (formal)


  1. Mi casa es grande. (My house is big.)
  2. Tu perro es muy lindo. (Your dog is very cute.)
  3. Su coche es nuevo. (His/her/your (formal) car is new.)

FAQ Summary: Possessive Adjectives Spanish Worksheet Answer Key

What are possessive adjectives in Spanish?

Possessive adjectives in Spanish are words that indicate ownership or belonging of a noun or pronoun.

How do I use possessive adjectives in Spanish?

Possessive adjectives in Spanish are placed before the noun they modify and agree in gender and number with the noun.

What are the different forms of possessive adjectives in Spanish?

Possessive adjectives in Spanish have different forms for singular and plural, masculine and feminine nouns.